Behind the Scenes – June 2018

Behind the Scenes is a close up look at the life of a working artist, and what Jodi is up to on any given day. 

This week has been an intense glass accumulating week, some are like that, and those weeks are awesome.  A longtime friend Sue brought me her entire vintage stained glass stash, it looks like most of it is from a sign or lamp company originally, lots of large triangle pieces in interesting textures and colors.  Love that, thank you Sue!  I’ll be sharing these with another friend that does stained glass.  I love our little glass world.

I also found the mother lode at a yard sale, this entire stack is vaseline glass, it’s tinted that amazing (and very unique) green by uranium.  And yes, they do give of detectable radiation, and yes, I do own a geiger counter.  They also fluoresce under black light, how cool is that!  These will NOT be fused, so stay calm.

We’ve also started to photograph all of the individual pieces of vintage glass in my hoard, and I do mean hoard.  I’ve been buying up cool glass for more than a decade, and there are hundreds of pieces.  I’m a little shocked at how much there is honestly.  Anyway, we’ve sorted by color, photographed, and now I’m researching each piece for value. maker and history.  The very coolest pieces will NOT be melted, they will be added to the aptly named “Too Cool to Fuse” category.  The chipped and cracked stuff will go into the kiln and tested.  The results will eventually make their way to the Knowledgebase in tutorial form.

This is SOME of the pink glass.

The never ending studio organization effort also produced this:

Wall O’Donuts

I washed, sorted and organized about 100 dozen ready to fuse donuts and they are ready to live in a kiln near you.  It feels great to get even a tiny corner of life organized doesn’t it?

The last crazy thing I did this week was participate in a photoshoot for the University of Utah Life Long Learning program.  I’ve been teaching with them for a year now, and this is the very best managed program I’ve ever worked with, the staff is phenomenal, and they really care about their instructors and students.  Turns out, photo shoots are very different than video.  I spent a lot of time contorted into awkward poses while the photographer said things like “open your left eye about two more millimeters” and “Can you put the broken glass closer to your face” (only a slight exaggeration).

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Behind the Scenes – April 2018

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Tutorials have Moved!

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