by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Feb 4, 2014 | Bottle Glass, Kiln Carving, Kiln Carving Patterns
Here’s a little kiln carving pattern that will help you remember how lucky you are! I like March, it finally feels like there is an end to winter in sight. **This kiln carving pattern has expired. Monthly kiln carving patterns expire 90 days after posting. ...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 25, 2013 | Bottle Glass, Q & A Monday, Slumping, Tech Tips, Tools
Well hello there! Today I’m answering more reader questions. If you have a question, send it on over. I’ve removed identifying information for privacy reasons. ***** Q: Hi, I’m extremely new to fusing/slumping glass, having been a lampworker for a...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 13, 2013 | Bottle Glass, Fusing, Kiln Carving, Kiln Carving Patterns, Tutorials
November’s kiln carving pattern is a cute wreath, sized specifically for bottle bottoms. It’s a quick and easy gift idea for friends and neighbors, and would look terrific in clear glass on a tree or in a window. **This kiln carving pattern has expired. ...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 5, 2013 | Fusing, Jodi's Projects, Slumping
Recently I discovered the wonders of mica. I had no idea what a versatile and amazing and useful tool mica is to have in my collection of fused recycled glass ideas. Here are a few of the pieces that I’ve made recently using various types of textured glass and...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Sep 1, 2013 | Float (Window) glass, Kiln Carving, Kiln Carving Patterns
Here it is at long last, the reader selected kiln carving pattern! And just see if I ever let you guys pick the pattern again, this one was HARD! It is a bas-relief pattern, meaning that the pattern is raised into the glass and you look at it from the flat side...