Cutting Bottles with a Tile Saw

Bottle cut with a tile saw

There are lots of ways to cut bottles, I’ve tried all of them that I can find and think of, my favorite is still the tile saw. There are pro’s and con’s to using a tile saw, it’s a tool that is great for somethings, not so much for others.

Things to consider:

  • It’s FAST! I can cut upwards of 50 bottles an hour with a saw.
  • Works great for bottles with surface texture or raised patterns.
  • Fairly accurate with practice.
  • Leaves a raggedy edge that is really best either cut off, or ground smooth before fusing. I usually cut them off.
  • Is pretty darn messy.
  • Needs safety gear. I STRONGLY recommend a respirator, safety glasses or face shield and a combination of ear-plugs and gun muffs.


I have an 10″ tile saw, so I roll the bottle into the saw blade as I cut. If you have a larger saw, you can pull the blade through the bottle, I still recommend a slight roll, it will keep your cut smooth and keep the last little bit from breaking.

Once you get the neck and the bottom cut from the bottle, you’ll have a cylinder of glass that is the start point for lots of other projects.
