Texture Tile Template Library

A Template Library is a binder of clear plastic sheets with the pattern of a mold traced on each sheet.  Why would you even want one?  Well, I’m glad you asked.

  • keep track of what molds you already own
  • use transparencies to add paint or other products to glass before firing (more on this below)
  • use dark colored glass that you had to skip before

Start with some texture tile molds:

And some transparencies:

Put a transparency on a mold and trace the pattern with a marker:

Now, once I have this, I can use it with my light box and dark glass to add paint swirls that will match the swirls on the mold:

Here’s what the template looks like through that dark glass with backlighting:

And here’s what it looks like after I’ve added paint to the swirls:

Here’s what it will look like on the mold:



And here it is fired.  Some of my swirls are a little wonky, but practice makes perfect!

Related Articles:

Flat Bottle Templates

Texture Tiles for Fused Glass

Glassline Paint on Bottles


