Intermediate Glass Fusing
March 13 – April 3, Thursday evenings 6:30 –9:00 p.m.
This class is for students who have had an Intro to Fusing class, either with Jodi or another instructor. We will continue to build our glass fusing skills with larger and more complex projects over 4 weeks of class.
Hosted at Glass With a Past Studio, 82 W. Louise Avenue
Course Outline:
Intermediate class curriculum and projects, all materials and firings included. Students need to bring their own cutting tools and safety glasses.
March 13 – Fusing Recycled Glass Dishes |
Basic Fusing Review Fusing with Mystery Glass Silk screening
Silk screening on glass mica painting project planning |
March 20 – 3D stars |
Strip Cutters – 3 types Precision Assembly |
Strip Cutting Precision Assembly |
March 27 – Glass Flowers |
Working with Molds Multiple layers of fusible glass Firing schedules and programming kilns |
Designing with Fusible Glass cutting parts
April 3 – Final Project – Framed Fused Glass Bird |
Display and Stands
precise cutting skills, project planning Firing schedules and programming kilns |
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