Intro to Glass Fusing Class โ€“ May


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Intro to Glass Fusing

May 18 โ€“ June 8, Thursday evenings 6:30 โ€“ 9 p.m.

Fusing for folks with little or no experience.  This is a four week class that explores fusing with recycled glass for 2 weeks, and fusing with fusible art glass for 2 weeks.  Designed to give students a solid background in glass fusing science and theory, no matter what type of glass they choose to specialize in later.  Class is limited to 6 students.

Class fees:  Class is $275 + $50 materials fee for a total of $325 per person.  Materials fee includes all materials, glass and firings.

Hosted at Glass With a Past Studio, 82 W. Louise Avenue

TO REGISTER:  Add class to cart and check out, DOWNLOAD the information PDF from your receipt for complete instructions, location, materials, etc.

Course Outline:

Beginning class curriculum and projects, all materials and firings included.

Date โ€“ project



May 18 โ€“ Bottle Glass Bells and Lizards


Studio Rules

Fusing with Recycled Glass

Cutting Flat Glass

Cutting Bottles using Thermal Shock

Designing and Cutting a project

Fusible decals and mica

May 25 โ€“ Recycled Float Glass Tapestry project

Fusing with Float (window) glass

Finding the Tin Side

Devit and what to do about it

Intro to Firing Schedules

Tack Fused Clear Tapestry Project

Additions to Float Glass for Interest

Cutting and assembling project

June 1 โ€“ Fusible Art Glass โ€“ Glass Lanterns

Fusible Art Glass

How Firing Schedules change

CoE and what it means to you

Fused Glass artworks

Designing a small multi part project


June 8 โ€“ Final Project โ€“ Florals

Multi part project


Project planning and designing your own final project

After checkout, please download the information file from your receipt.  If you have any questions, please reach out and let me know through the contact page.


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