Kiln Carving patter with Zombies

October’s kiln carving pattern is sheer fun.  Zombies are always a source of entertainment around here, from the informal competition to tell the WORST zombie joke ever to mock brain eating’s.  I’ve taken it one step further and designed a kiln carving just for Zombie Lovers.

This is a medium difficulty pattern that does take some care with the details.

Step 1

This pattern is no longer available as an individual download.  To download the free 2012 Kiln Carving Pattern compilation book, please visit the Shop.

Step 2

Cut a piece of fiber paper large enough to accommodate the entire pattern.  Tack securely through both layers on a razor proof surface (I use a sheet of cardboard).

Kiln carving of zombies

Step 3

Carefully cut and remove gray areas.  This is best done with a brand new razor or X-acto knife blade.  Fiber paper will dull your blade quickly!

Kiln carving pattern of zombies

Step 4

Cut around outer border

kiln carving of zombies

Step 5

Cut glass to fit, clean and fire using a full fuse schedule.

zombie kiln carving ready to fuse

If you cut very carefully, you can use the removed gray area to make a reverse kiln carving and have TWO sets of zombies for the same effort.  Zombies aren’t known for working hard, so take advantage of this two-for-one thing!

kiln carving pattern for recycled glass


Zombie Kiln Carving 2This pattern is no longer available for individual download.  To download the free 2012 Kiln Carving Pattern compilation book, please visit the Shop.