Free Kiln Carving Pattern for April
It may not look like it from the picture, but it has been a pretty rainy April so far here in Utah. Even the ducks are tired of the rain. This cute ducky kiln carving pattern brightens things up though. Who doesn’t love ducklings?
Step 1 – Download the free pattern using the button at the bottom of the page (no credit card required) and print it out.
Step 2 – Cut a piece of fiber paper large enough to accommodate the pattern and whatever border you want to include. I’ve left the border off completely, but you may do as you wish. There are handy dandy dots to show you where to pin the pattern. I like to pin mine to a piece of cardboard so I have a safe cutting surface.
Step 3. Carefully! Cut out the gray areas with a razor knife and remove them. Make sure you cut through the paper AND the fiber paper. Be especially careful with the ribs of the umbrella and the ducky eyes.
Step 4. Place the fiber paper in the kiln on a prepared shelf and place your glass over it. If you need help figuring out if your bottle glass will cover it, there is a quick way to measure.
Step 5. Fuse using a full fuse schedule.
Step 6. Finish the project. At this point, you could either grind the edges of the piece and then slump it, or, drill the corners for use as a suncatcher. I’ve chosen to drill mine and wired it with cheery red wire.
Use the button below to download your free ducky kiln carving pattern! (no credit card required)