This week has been interesting to say the least. Lots of projects and world events happening at the same time. All of us here at Glass With a Past (including the felines) have been watching the fires in the west and the storms in the south with heavy hearts. For all of our friends and glass family in those areas, please know we are thinking of you, and please do whatever you need to stay safe! For glass friends and family in less threatened areas, please consider supporting one of the many non profit aid agencies (of your choice) that can help our fellow artists and citizens recover. I like CERF+, the Craft Emergency Relief Fund, to help artists and crafts people recover from emergencies and disasters.
Some of the glassy things happening around here lately:
My thrifty find of the week, a 14.5+ lb brick of lead crystal. I can tell it’s lead crystal because it weighs much more than regular glass (easy to calculate for a rectangular object). I’m looking forward to learning more about lead crystal casting, I’ll keep you posted!
And this is coming up as a surprise announcement in the next week: