by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Jun 26, 2023 | Q & A Monday
Q & A Mondays are answers to reader questions submitted via email or social media. All personal information has been removed for privacy reasons and messages have been edited for clarity. You may submit your own questions through...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Oct 8, 2014 | Bottle Glass, Slumping, Tutorials
Now that you have made your fused bottle glass gecko with the free pattern for October, what else can we do with him? One thing to consider is adding mica to him for some color and sparkle! It’s easy, grab your gecko and we’ll get started.Mica needs some...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 5, 2013 | Fusing, Jodi's Projects, Slumping
Recently I discovered the wonders of mica. I had no idea what a versatile and amazing and useful tool mica is to have in my collection of fused recycled glass ideas. Here are a few of the pieces that I’ve made recently using various types of textured glass and...