Float (window) glass is excellent for making jewelry, it’s readily available and is a blank canvas for whatever amazing project you have in mind. Today we are going to GLOW bright and make some cut ghost jewelry.
Materials Required:
Float Glass – 1/8″ or 3mm
Jewelry Findings: Neck Wire, Earrings, Jump Rings
20 Gauge Nichrome Loops, or 20 Gauge Nichrome Wire
Ghost Pattern – (See Below)
Step 1:
Trace Ghost Patterns on to float glass and cut out
Step 2:
Add glow goop to one layer of the ghosts, leaving the eyes unpainted. Use even layers of goop and allow to dry completely.
Step 3:
Add nichrome loops to the unpainted ghosts, and add the painted layer over the wire to sandwich the wire between layers. Fire to a full fuse.
Step 4: Assemble the jewelry.
Carefully twist open the earwire
Add one tiny ghost and twist the earwire closed.
Carefully twist open a jump ring
Add larger ghost and twist jump ring closed.
Slip neckwire through the jump ring.
Ghost Pattern:
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