Well friends, I have to admit I’ve been struggling lately. My tendency is to be a planner, with charts, calendars, schedules, color coded and sorted. Which I have, but it’s not matching reality, the goals aren’t getting done and I’m just overwhelmed. Making more plans doesn’t seem to help, so I’m going to try something else. It turns out my shop space is a giant disaster (no wonder I’m overwhelmed). I also know that without some kind of accountability to someone that is not me, I will get nothing done.
So. Welcome to the State of the Studio, a self inflicted challenge. The challenge is this:
Make weekly improvements to the physical state of the studio and post photos. That’s all. You’re welcome to play along in your own space, you can post photos on your social media, you can email them to me (I will happily celebrate your improvements with you!) or even just pat yourself on the back privately for making progress. Any small step counts, any small progress should be celebrated (I’m telling myself this part too, out loud). Above all, we are going to be very kind to ourselves. Very. Kind.
To kick off this party, here are some photos of my studio. And I will say here that it makes me squirm to post these, I find it more that a little embarrassing what a nightmare my space has become. I know messiness is part of the creative process, but…