Today I’m answering reader questions that came in via email. All personal information has been removed for privacy reasons. If you have a question that you must, simply must have an answer to, send it on over via the About/Contact page.

Q: Good afternoon Jodi,
I have a question about the piece you created using mica and showed it on your web site a few years ago, it was a beautiful plate called “Lava”

Would you be able to tell me how you created this piece as I would like to try and make a similar plate.

Keep up the good work as I have learned a lot from your newsletters and now do quite a few things using window glass and thick glass shelves that I acquired.

recycled glass and mica

A: That piece was created using some donated textured glass. I think that texture is still available on the market, but I’m not sure what it’s called. You frost the textured side (if it isn’t already), and then paint with mica paint. The slump schedule is also hot enough to melt the mica to the glass, so it’s a one fire kind of project (cold work the edges before painting, of course).

I’m so glad that the newsletters and articles are useful, I think they are fun, but it’s even more fun when I know others are reading and using them too.

Q:  I took your class in beginning bottle fusing and thoroughly enjoyed it, and learned sooo much. One of the parts that intrigued me was your mention of making sea glass in your vibratory tumbler. Do you have a recipe for what grit and amount, and how much glass, do you add water? About how long does it take to do a batch? I have purchased a 5 lb Vibratory tumbler from Harbor Freight. Thank You so much for all of your help

A:  I usually fill the tumbler about 2/3 full of glass and add enough grit and water to give the glass a light coating of grit when tumbling.  It’s hard to say exactly how much because I have two different tumblers and I haven’t really measured.  I’d say for the 5 lb it would be somewhere around a tablespoon of grit, maybe 2 tablespoons of water.  I use a 120/220 mix.  I haven’t use the Harbor Freight tumbler, I’ll be interested to hear how it works.

Thumler Tumbler, 45 lb model

Thumler Tumbler, 45 lb model

Here’s a picture of my tumbler and a little more info about how I use it.

Q:  I’ve read your tutorials on rings and buttons, but I have a question…what is the best tile saw diamond blade to use for cutting the rings to use for windchimes? I have an MK-170 wet tile saw. I am interested in cutting both wine and beer/soda bottles. Thanks in advance for your help.

A:  Hi there, this has been my favorite blade so far:

The MK diamond one for glass is good too, but I thought it was a little too thin for the abuse I put it through and I could see it flexing when I was sawing.

