Behind the Scenes 3-10-20

***Edited to add: This was my last blog post before the pandemic shutdown. What a changed world! I miss volunteering. Stay safe out there everyone!***

Astonishingly, we are already 3 months into 2020. One of my new years resolutions is to support organizations that I believe in, and in addition to shopping at the Clever Octopus (far more often than I should!) I’ve signed up to volunteer. Last week was my first shift, and it was awesome. The founders have known me for a long time, and have a pretty good idea what makes me tick, so they had me reorganize the 3Form area. 3Form is the ecoresin that we make most of our stands out of, and I love it. So, you can guess I had a great time sorting all of the samples by size and style.

And speaking of 3form, we have a whole bunch of new styles and colors that we are busily processing into stands, some of which are in the shop now, but many will be showing up in the next few weeks.

So many pretty colors!

A while ago the ladies at the Clever Octopus asked me to participate in a little documentary film about their journey to build a creative reuse center, and what that even is. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can see it here:

And in other very exciting news, my husband Jon (the tech half of Glass With a Past) wrote an article for HackSpace magazine on building your own kiln controller. If you are into that sort of geekery, you can download the pdf copy of the magazine and see the article on page 51.

And of course, we have to have kitties. Moo got this clearly defective pop up cat tent from her Aunt Cheryl Peterson of Red Dragon Glass:

Tutorials have Moved!

Tutorials are now located in the Knowledgebase.  This move allowed us to sort the tutorials and group them by topic rather than in chronological order.  We hope that this new format will be easier to browse and find useful tutorials.  Thank you for visiting us!

Dealing with Scrap Glass

If you've made glass art for any amount of time you know there is always a ton of scrap waiting to be processed. Add to that the complication of working in recycled glass, where your glass is rarely compatible across pieces, and what do you do with all of that scrap??...

State of the Studio – Week 2

Sometimes, ok, most of the time, I look at the giant mess and have no idea where to start, so I just pick a spot and work my way around the room in one direction. Works as well as anything I suppose. I this case I started with the giant table. This is a dream of a...

Q & A Monday, 6/26/23

Q & A Mondays are answers to reader questions submitted via email or social media.  All personal information has been removed for privacy reasons and messages have been edited for clarity.  You may submit your own questions through...

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