Q & A Monday April 2, 2018


Q & A Mondays are answers to reader questions submitted via email or social media.  All personal information has been removed for privacy reasons.  You may submit your own questions through the About/Contact page.


Q: Just finished your online class – that was intense – lots of ideas are running around in my head of all of the possibilities. Thank you so much for sharing. Have never been on Curious Mondo – this week was my first time 3-7-18.

Question I had – but she did not air was how to set up a website to sell your jewelry – glass bottles etc. – need a book/class for dummies. Have a lot of trouble when my 12 year old granddaughter is not around. Actually it sort of scares me to death.

Was wondering on your take of how to set up the website – that works efficiently and does not cost a fortune. Thank you for all your help. God Bless. Going to chase some of those ideas…

A:  This is a very good question, I had to think about it for a bit. The online classes are a hoot aren’t they? I love teaching them.

There are a few parts to the website question, you need a website and a payment gateway, those two things don’t necessarily arrive together, although life is easier if they do.

I think in your case, if I were you, I would look at starting with Etsy.com or Squareup, both have the website and the payment gateway built in, so there are fewer things to manage. I’m pretty sure they both charge a small fee for processing, but you would pay for hosting in other places, so it all kind of turns out the same in the end.

Hope that helps, please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Q:  Hello. I have a 16” kiln but I don’t have a vent for it. I have read about needing to vent to prevent devitrification. I know I must clean the glass well before firing. How do I vent if I dont have a vent Hooked up to kiln? Is it just a matter of opening kiln at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time. Can you help me?

A:  Hello. I have a 16” kiln but I don’t have a vent for it. I have read about needing to vent to prevent devitrification. I know I must clean the glass well before firing. How do I vent if I dont have a vent Hooked up to kiln? Is it just a matter of opening kiln at a certain temperature for a certain amount of time. Can you help me?

Q:  I see these on ETSY, and I’m wondering – have you ever put a cork in the kiln?  I keep seeing slumped bottles with the cork in the neck.  I assume they are slumping these bottles with the cork “in” the bottle….  I have visions of the cork bursting into flame or some other drama…  appreciate your thoughts…

I would like to try this….am just always afraid of damaging my kiln!!
A:  The cork will definitely burn up on firing. I suspect they are putting a piece of sidewalk chalk in the neck of the bottle to keep it round, and then putting the cork back after firing.  Here is a tutorial about using chalk in the kiln:
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