by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Oct 28, 2015 | Bottle Glass, Fusing, Tutorials
Are you participating in holiday shows and boutiques this year? Have you made enough art? Getting stressed out? Here are some ideas to get your inventory beefed up and ready to go! (Click the title to go to the tutorial.) 1. Bottle Trinket Boxes Made with cut...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Jan 20, 2014 | Artist in Residency, Fusing, Q & A Monday
Good Morning! Here in Utah it’s a sunny crisp (cold) winter day, my favorite kind. If I have to have winter, I do like the high desert kind. Today’s question and answer is for educators and anyone else who needs to entertain small persons and would like...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Jan 10, 2014 | Bottle Glass, Slumping, Tutorials
Not all pretty glass things have to be complicated! This cute little votive is very simple to make and takes only one firing. Begin with a bottle with the top and bottom cut off. There are lots of ways to cut bottles, you should use the one you are most comfortable...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 25, 2013 | Bottle Glass, Q & A Monday, Slumping, Tech Tips, Tools
Well hello there! Today I’m answering more reader questions. If you have a question, send it on over. I’ve removed identifying information for privacy reasons. ***** Q: Hi, I’m extremely new to fusing/slumping glass, having been a lampworker for a...
by Jodi McRaney Rusho | Nov 11, 2013 | Bottle Glass, Glass Info, Q & A Monday
Wow, it seems like it was just summer a minute ago, and now we’re barreling into the holiday season and 2013 is coming to a close. Crazy stuff. Today I’m answering reader’s questions, if you have a question, send it on over. There was a great...